Everyone knows about the dangers of drinking alcohol, but not everyone can resist this destructive habit. It is not without reason that some children ask themselves the universal question of what to do if their father drinks alcohol every day. For a family, this is a real tragedy if the husband drinks alcohol, because from now on she is considered a disadvantaged member of society and is under strict control by social services. The prospect is not the most comforting so the problem of men's alcoholism needs to be addressed at the family level.
Health meaning
If a man drinks alcohol every day, his life expectancy will be reduced by almost half. Additionally, he will face serious health problems, including chronic diagnoses, disability, and rapid death. Alcohol is an explosive mixture of toxic substances that can damage the liver and brain. Progressive atrophy of vital organs and spreading foci of necrosis first spoil a person's appearance, then reduce performance and then cause complete disability with the risk of death.
If the father drinks alcohol in the family, it is likely that the children will be born with a serious disease. First, he quietly went into the store to get another portion of alcohol, then he didn't pass by this store for a day. A drunk father is a moral injury to current children and a potential threat to future children. The problem is not only social but also physiological, since genetic mutations, chromosomal abnormalities and congenital diseases are not eliminated in the prenatal period. Not every representative of the stronger sex can admit: "I drink alcohol", considering, at least subconsciously, a bad habit as his greatest weakness.
When dad drinks alcohol at home, every member of the family should be mentally prepared for the following diseases of the male body:
- one of the forms of hepatitis (usually the most toxic);
- cirrhosis;
- cancer;
- mental disorders, panic attacks;
- heart failure;
- steatosis;
- paralysis of limbs and body parts;
- alcohol syndrome;
- diagnosed with infertility;
- hormonal imbalance;
- epilepsy.
If a man drinks alcohol daily, doctors also remind about the risk of delirium, systemic alcohol psychosis, withdrawal syndrome, visual and auditory hallucinations, autonomic nervous disorders. owner and emotional behavior. A person can get rid of such an addiction, but first he must admit to himself: "I drink alcohol. "Ethyl alcohol negatively affects reproductive function, its potency gradually decreases, so conflicts and scandals are guaranteed for family life.

Pain for family and children
One can only imagine how much value, importance and usefulness a person will lose in life if he starts drinking vodka every day. Such a man is a useless husband, a disgusting father, not to mention respectful to his once loving family. It's time to find out how many problems await an alcoholic, how you can get rid of them and is this realistic? He wasn't lost yet, but he was too close to the abyss.
- Mediocrity in one's own family.If the father drinks alcohol, the first thing that will suffer is his growing children, and child violence in the family is possible. Alcohol disrupts mental activity, a person will deteriorate, internal fears and self-doubt will become more active. He went to the store more and more often, spent money on alcohol and returned home deprived. Alcohol will take him to the edge, and the worst thing is: these deadly changes most often occur before the eyes of children. No woman needs such a husband, so she wants to end the once romantic relationship and raise her children on her own in a healthy, complete environment. A drunk man, surprised by himself, finds himself on the sidelines of life, on the brink of falling into the abyss.
- Family discord.The consequences of a man's alcoholism for the family are irreparable, and it doesn't matter what he drinks - vodka, wine, beer or cognac. The man cannot find a common language with his family, and they, in turn, will soon lose the last drops of respect for him. In this way, you can lose your family and children, and spend the rest of your life in great isolation, visiting a store to buy alcoholic beverages. If he admits: "I drink alcohol", he has every chance to soon return to everyday life. Awareness of your own mistakes directly affects your future destiny, so it is important not to miss this fateful moment for yourself, to finally stop going to the store.
- Troubles in children's lives. If a person drinks vodka every day, his children and wife will be ashamed. The younger generation will never be considered a role model, and the once loving spouse will be the first to refuse to live together. The consequences of the first secret and then explicit trips to the store are very obvious, so you cannot count on the help and participation of family and friends. When the father drinks, the children stay away from him, are embarrassed to show him to their friends, and rarely invite them home. Alcohol turns a man into an addict who tries to find a new drug every day. Children have no place in his life, and they do not care about such a depraved parent.
- A bad example is contagious.If a person continues to drink vodka day after day, sooner or later he will begin to send his growing children to the store for a new dose. This example is very dangerous for teenagers, because they may also be interested in what alcohol is and how it affects the body. Childhood alcoholism is a scourge of our time, moreover, it is very difficult to get a student out of this situation, no matter how much effort and time it takes to provide effective support. level. That is why adults should seriously think about their example for children, what can be expected from the young generation in the future. If you admit: "I drink alcohol" and do not go to the store every day, this is the first step to your speedy recovery.

Family support for alcoholics
If a person admits that he has drank a lot of alcohol in his life, this is the first step to not drinking alcohol. It is very difficult to solve the problem on your own, especially since there are a lot of such stores in each city. This is where you can get help from a family that also suffers greatly from male alcoholism. "I drink and get drunk" is the first phrase on the path to the desired healing.
When a husband systematically abuses alcohol but does not do it daily, it is too early to contact Alcoholics Anonymous. First, the family needs to try to quit drinking using a proven motivational method. He must understand that alcohol is a poison and must control his desires as much as possible to completely recover from the addiction. An independent person can achieve this result, but moments of weakness during home treatment still appear from time to time.
If the wife threatens divorce, the alcoholic husband will be afraid and push this addiction into the background. He will try to save his family, and because of this he will no longer drink alcohol every day. The start is not bad, however, you need to maintain the desired results and forget about store visits forever. In practice, this method only works if the husband, subconsciously, still values his family, loves his wife and hopes to maintain a good relationship with her. If a person abandons his family and chooses alcohol, then, alas, the departure of his wife and children no longer excites him. He will never admit: "I drink, " so there can be no talk of recovery.
Some men can escape a hangover due to fear, for example, if after a long party their general health suddenly deteriorates. He began to fear the consequences and promised himself he would not drink anymore. There are so many cases where the husband abstains from alcohol after a serious illness, the main thing is that the woman has to turn the situation in her favor, maybe even threaten him. The desire to drink and go to the store after such an attack will remain a thing of the past, and the once drunk husband will return to his family and hold his head. You can even call an ambulance so that he often fears for his life and is afraid to take even a drop of vodka into his mouth.
If all these actions do not help and alcohol completely replaces real life, you need to seek professional help from specialists. The husband does not admit: "I drink alcohol", but the doctors will contribute to his speedy recovery with conservative methods by preliminary hospitalization. No need to worry about his health, he will definitely recover, however, treatment takes a lot of effort, money and time. Alcohol is removed from the blood over a long period of time and the patient is always in the system. But according to the results, he will be an exemplary husband. At any party, he will frankly say: "I don't drink alcohol. "
A woman will have to constantly monitor her unreliable husband, because in every city there are enough such shops. She will also have to say the controlling sentence: "I don't drink alcohol" and not seduce her husband at the common table. Treatment of alcoholism is a family matter, because an alcoholic husband cannot cope with this disease on his own. It remains only to add that when such a problem arises, it is necessary to have moral support in the family, because one sentence: "I don't drink anymore" is not enough to overcome a terrible addictionThis.